Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Kingdom Life University Worldview

Kingdom Life University represents education through a kingdom world view.  Jesus said, "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world unto all nations, then end will come."  Matthew 24:14.  KLU's founder, Jerry Brandt has been in ministry now for 50 years, much of it on the front lines of national and international evangelism, street ministry and broadcast on radio and television.  Jerry brings to KLU the experience of training churches through practical outreach and evangelism teaching .   His school of kingdom witnessing teaches this form of authority evangelism. 

What is a kingdom world view? The gospel of the kingdom of God is mentioned 153 times in the New Testament.  It is a gospel of the authority of Jesus Christ as King over all things.  It means releasing Jesus authority on earth "Now" through "power evangelism" and in the future as He reigns in person on earth. Jerry is passionate about preparing the bride of Christ, the church, to learn the principles of "reigning in life" now.  This KINGDOM mentality makes Kingdom Life University unique from most Christian colleges and Universities.  It is not just higher education, it is kingdom power and authority teaching.  Jerry has practiced this kind of evangelism now since 1976 when He received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Jerry shares his story.  "I was on a mountain side outside of Estes Park, Colorado waiting on God when I felt a clear message come to my spirit from the Holy Spirit.  He said I was to focus the rest of my ministry on the 'Kingdom of God'.  I hardly knew what that meant coming out of a strong dispensational, fundamentalist Baptist background and graduating from Bob Jones University. I spent the next 8 years diligently seeking God and studying everything I could on the 'Kingdom of God'. It has been a journey into the realm of revelation on how Jesus Christ's authority works in my life and on planet earth today." 

Kingdom Life University is now positioned to take this message around the world with 53 national directors in 19 nations leading multiple campuses and equipping thousands of international students.  KLU is now launching campuses in the USA!  If your church is interested in more information about a TURNKEY KLU campus you can simply fill out this form.  KLU USA CAMPUS   If you know of any student interested in this kind of training please fill out this form.  USA student inquiry

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