Tuesday, July 3, 2018

2018 Anglican Church - Jerusalem Conference - Restoration of Biblical Christianity!

An historic Gafcon conference was  held in Jerusalem by world representatives of the Anglican church earlier this year. Attended by the majority of church leaders. It is a call to restore the historic biblical foundations.  A key component was a book by Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll, former professor and Academic Dean at Trinity School of Ministry.  It contends for biblical truth in three areas: "Reading the Bible as the Word of God"; second, marriage as "Two Sexes, One Flesh"; and third "Communing with Christ" on doctrine and discipline.  The conference concluded with a vision covenant "A united resolve to carry the Great Commission forward in the face of militant Islam and militant secularism". Why is this historic?  Because God is calling for renewed apostolic alignment on earth in this "kingdom age".  I am contending that God has brought a period of "times of restoration" back to true Christianity through apostolic authority.  The Anglican Church is just one illustration. Get ready for a house cleaning of major proportions in America and around the world.  True apostles are rising with authority in their wings!  A call to return to the gospel of "The Faith" mentioned in Ephesians 4:13 "Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man,, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." I have contended for years that God is restoring "The Faith" which was the original doctrine of the early apostles back to modern Christianity.  Get ready and don't be surprised by some of the transformation you are going to see.  Certain people will be removed, others raised up.  Paul wrote to Timothy to "contend for THE FAITH".  I Timothy 1:3 "..remain in Ephesus that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine." 

The true gospel

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