Saturday, May 23, 2020

Get Ready - Day of God's Power - Pentecost

We are about to experience an amazing event  on earth at the end of May 2020.  Just like the Passover was a "breakthrough" and "Turning Point" moment on earth.  What happened?  God turned the whole virus pandemic around in America and everything began to change.  Within a month of Passover (the power of Jesus death & resurrection) we are now seeing America open back up.  Just like God reveled to me what had happened on my prophetic dog walk, which was Passover day, God has just given me a second revelation as I walked my dog just a few minutes ago.  What is that you say, Jerry?  It is this coming Pentecost at the end of May.  What is going to happen on this Pentecost?  We are going to experience the third great Pentecost.
1. The first came when the 120 waited in the upper room.  The power of the Holy Spirit fell and they received tongues and most of all power!  They literally went out the witnessed and won around 70% of the known world to Christ.
2. The second great Pentecost fell on Azusa Street.  Following the San Francisco earthquake in 1906, God used that to create an awareness and hunger for God.  God fell with power and the result has been a world-wide movement of the Holy Spirit of a fresh move of God's Spirit.  Hundreds of millions have experienced this world-wide.
3. The third great Pentecost is coming a couple of weeks. Why is this Pentecost different than all those over the last 100 or so years. What is going to be the result?  The launching of the world-wide harvest that Jesus predicted in Matthew 24:14 "When this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world unto all nations (ethnos - dialects) then shall the end come.

Why do I believe this?  Pastor Seymore of the Azusa Street revival prophesied that God would send another great move of the Holy Spirit approximately 100 years from 1906. We saw the alignment of the heavenly sign of Revelation 12:1-2 in September 2017.  It was the beginning of the awakening of the Jewish nation for the end-time harvest along with evangelism in the Body of Christ.  We are now at the precipice of God anointing and sealing the 144,000 Jewish witnesses of Revelation 7.  An angel does this.  We live in remarkable times!  Jesus prophecy in Matthew 24:14 is about to be fulfilled.  How long will this take until Matthew 24:14 is complete?  We are not sure, but of this I am sure, the "end-time evangelism event has begun".  

Monday, May 4, 2020

Christ's Government On Earth Now - Apostles & Prophets, Greater Glory

Jesus action plan at the end of this age is to fully release the 5-fold ministries on earth to establish His government.  How is this going to happen?  Isaiah 9:7 "Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.  Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgement and justice from that time forward, even forever.  The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."  First of all it happens legally in the court of heaven under Jesus legal right to rule as the Lion of Judah from David's lineage.  Second, Jesus orders it.  He commands the blessing on earth through His delegated authority the 5-fold ministries.  The leading ones being the apostles and prophets.  These gifts were given by Jesus at His time of ascension when all things were placed under His feet by the Father.  This is His priestly order of Melchizedek. He therefore has made us His kingdom of kings and priests.  We execute His judgment on earth as the "fullness of Him who fills all in all". (Eph. 1:23)  Third, as the Lord of the hosts, he will send angels to assist us to execute this judgment. But the apostles and prophets must release these angels through their declarations.  We have the authority given to us by Christ. He executes His judgment through the sword of His mouth and we as His legal representatives do the same! Therefore we must understand what to declare over the earth and the timing of God to declare it.  (Rev. 2:16)

Everything is changing in this time of world-wide lock down.  A major principality of fear has been loosed on the earth to cause the exposure of men's hearts. God has allowed it. Why?  Because He is using it to bring the adjustments to the church needed to release His authority. The pandemic is not the virus, but fear. "The wicked flee when no man pursues, by the righteous are as bold as a lion". (Proverbs 28:1)  It took an invisible virus to bring the shortage of toilet paper! God's greatest power shows up in our greatest time of need.  Now the apostles and prophets are rising with healing in their wings!  The declarations over the earth are changing the atmosphere of planet earth toward the kingdom of God. Get ready for the rest of this year of 2020.  How is the kingdom of God going to look this year?  We really don't know, but the zeal of the Lord is performing it. We will just simply hear His voice and speak His now word over the earth!  This video below is a strong word for the body of Christ NOW!