Thursday, February 4, 2016

Rise of Home Churches - Kingdom Life University a perfect match!

We are seeing two parallel movements in America.  First is the growth of large churches even with the addition of remote campuses. We attend a church, Grace Family Church, that is starting new campuses throughout Tampa. Our pastor video tapes our service in very high definition and plays the message to campuses "live" all over Tampa Bay. This is a growing trend in cities across America.  It shows two things:  1. People are excited about the wider venue of programs and services for families in a larger more well financed church.  2. People don't mind watching video messages on large screens. Grace Family Church pastor Craig Altman, is seen on large screens "live" on mulitiple campuses every Sunday. Even at our main church campus on Van Dyke Rd. he is sometimes seen on large screen video in various services because the multiple services held each weekend puts a heavy demand on our pastor to speak so many times.  He simply records each service, picks out the best, and just replays it at some of the various services.  

The second trend I see coming is the growing home church movement.  Many believer's have had a growing dissatisfaction with the traditional church setting. They simply want to just hold church at their home with some of their friends or family. They have also had a growing acceptance of listening on large screen TV's to good preaching and teaching. Enter Kingdom Life University! We have felt for several years that this home church movement could well utilize the Kingdom Life University curriculum as the way of bringing High Definition good video teaching into small home groups. In fact, people can start a KLU remote campus right in their home and go through the entire New Testament in two years earning a full two year associate degree in biblical studies and kingdom business! Those in the small home group that want to register as a KLU student can earn their accredited associate degree in the process.  How about taking your higher education as part of the home church movement and getting a two year associate degree with an accredited University?  Make sense? Please check us out at our new web site: and see if this fits. Just go to the "Host a campus" button on our new site and follow the instruction.  Contact us and let us discuss this process for you.  

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The WOW factor! Our new Action Evangelism & Kingdom Life University Web sites

We have updated our new web sites and everyone says "WOW"!  Please check us out at: and .  


I have always loved technology and the way we an utilize it for the kingdom of God.  Goes with my commitment to take dominion where we can with the hope of influencing souls into God's family.  

You can become a citizen of the kingdom of God by simply confessing Christ as "Lord" asking him to take your sins away. This is called repentance and is the message Jesus preached in Mark 1:13-14  "Jesus traveled through out Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom saying, repent and believe."

Then please ask Jesus Christ to take residence in your heart and life and make Him the King and Lord of your heart.  Your Spirit man will come alive by the power of the Holy Spirit!