Friday, September 27, 2019

Kingdom of God in the Four Gospels - Kingdom Coffee Talk - Arosh & Jerry

Jesus was manifest in the flesh to demonstrate what the kingdom of  God is and how it operated on earth through a man.  Here is the revelation of how a man functions under the authority of heaven.  Jesus was also totally God, but laid aside His right to function on earth just through His Deity.  Philippians 2 says "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ, who being found in the fashion as a man..."  Without understanding the humanity of Christ, you cannot understand how Jesus could hand off the same authority, under which He operated, to men, to us.  This is called transmitted authority.  Jesus operated under the Father's transmitted authority, now we operate under Jesus transmitted authority. Luke 10 says, He "gave authority to the 70 to cast out demons, heal the sick and preach the gospel of the kingdom with power."  We operate, today, under the same authority. Therefore, we have the same power on earth Jesus had!  Amazing truth in indeed. Jesus final words in Matthew 28:18-19 tell how Jesus received all power on heaven and earth and then immediately handed it over to us.  To understand how the kingdom functioned in Jesus life gives us revelation on how it functions in our lives today.  The video below gives a greater revelation of this truth.  This power comes through the Holy Spirit's power in us to translate the person of Christ into our bodies, His temple or dwelling place. 


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