Friday, October 18, 2019

Truth That Transforms - Body, Soul & Spirit

Certain truths change your life. I call them truths that transform.  This teaching on body, soul and Spirit is one of those truths.  When you understand that the only thing that get's saved in your life is your "spirit man", you can see how God downloads everything you will ever need the moment of your salvation.  Your body and soul do not get saved... they get transformed by the renewing of your mind.  How does this process work?  That is the key.  When you understand how your tongue releases the power of change in your life and transfers your "new creation in Christ" into the natural world, it can change everything.  Too many people lack this knowledge and therefore live in constant frustration about who they are and how they grow spiritually.  I strongly encourage you to listen to this teaching below.  You can also discover one of the real secrets of the treasure of the kingdom that makes a huge difference in your life.  I challenge you to do this.  Be blessed.

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