John the baptist said, "I baptize you unto repentance, but there comes one after me who shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire". That was Jesus Christ. It is the promise He gave His disciples when He told them to go and wait in the upper room until they were "endued" with power and the Holy Spirit came "upon" them. This would manifest with "tongues" or in this case languages of all the different dialects of Jews that had come to Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost. They all heard the gospel "in their own language". It was a day that birthed the church with power to witness, first in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and then the uttermost parts of the world. Do we need this baptism today? The answer is simply... do you need power? Yes, this baptism is for today and releases a fire in your life to declare God's word and demonstrate the "gifts of the Holy Spirit". There are two actions of the Holy Spirit in the life of the New Testament believer. First the "indwelling" Holy Spirit that comes at your salvation when you are baptized into the body of Christ. Ephesians calls this the seal of the Holy Spirit. Second is the "upon" Holy Spirit that empowers you when you receive the "baptism of fire". Jesus never needed to received the indwelling Holy Spirit because He was born (conceived) of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary. But, as a man, Jesus needed the "upon" Holy Spirit to minister with power and received it at His physical baptism with John at the river Jordan. The Holy Spirit came upon Him and remained upon Him His entire ministry. If you want to minister with the same power that Christ had, you absolutely need that same baptism Jesus had. God's word says, "if the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwell in you." Jesus said, "the works that I do you shall do also and greater works than these shall you do because I go to my Father". (John 14:12) These greater works started at Pentecost. They were not greater in substance but greater in scope. The early church took the gospel to the known world following Pentecost. Interesting to note that at Pentecost the day first was filled with power. Then the room was filledwith power and finally thepeople were all filled with power and tongues of fire rested on each of them. The last thing that was filled was the people! Get in an atmosphere of the fire and power of God to receive. Find a group of people that agree that this "baptism of fire" is for today and receive it by faith, just like you received your salvation. Believe and receive has always been God's way. Simply say, "Father, I know your power is for me today and through the promise of your Son, Jesus Christ, I receive this baptism of fire NOW". Let you mouth become the tool of God to speak and sing praises to God. Let your tongue be released to speak to the glory of God. To learn more, please listen to my teaching below on "Baptism of Fire".
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