The gifts of the Spirit that came directly from the hand of Jesus Christ are called the "Headship Ministries" or 5-fold gifts of Ephesians chapter 4:11. "He gave some to be as apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors & teachers." Why? To govern His church with authority and love. Why has Satan discredited some of these gifts for today.... particularly the gifts of apostle and prophets? Because Satan is trying to remove the authority Jesus gives on earth to execute His kingdom in this age. The gift of the apostle was the first discredited through church history, and will be the last to be restored before the coming of the Lord. Where the apostolic gift has not been discredited, it has be distorted! Self appointed ministers running around calling themselves apostles who are not "called to be an apostle" as Paul stated. Paul said even in his day some "false apostles" had come in among the sheep. So we are not surprised. True apostles will always be recognized in their office before appointed by contemporaries who understand the true gift. They are literally functioning apostles before they allow themselves to be called as such. Apostle's do foundation work of planting churches, reaching unreached territory that has never heard the gospel,, and establishing God's work with the authority that comes directly from Christ. They carry "signs and wonders" as confirmation from Jesus Christ Himself. They change atmosphere's over cities as Paul and Silas did in Philippi. They may land in jail but usually don't stay long, both leading the jailers to Christ and starting a church. Why do I teach on apostolic alignment? Because it is vital in this day for accomplishing true kingdom work in your city. Find an apostle and attach! Build a close relationship with an apostle to which God has called you or to which you choose to walk. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is both for your protection, direction and anointing. Prophets follow along with apostles. They are spiritual :"seers". They discern what God is saying "now" to the church. 7 times in Revelation, picturing the end-time church, God says "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the church." This is by far the most important call of the church today... knowing God's "now" word for the church, the city, the nation and the world. This is possibly one of the most important teaching I do today. Please listen to his video teaching and make your comments below. To join our WORLD ACTION EVANGELISM apostolic association go HERE . For information on registering in Kingdom Life University go to KLUONLINE. 5 - fold HEADSHIP MINISTRIES of Christ
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