You will recall that I mentioned something significant would happen in Israel in 2014 -2015 around the 4 blood moons. Also I mentioned through my prophecy I gave in December of 2013, that the number 4 is significant for 2014. It has begun! Hamas has activated conflict by firing over 2,000 rockets toward Israel. Yet the world media is showing the death of civilians in the Gaza strip and among the Palestinians. Israel would likely have the same number of deaths if she didn't have the "Iron Dome" protection of interceptor rockets shooting down the incoming rockets of Hamas. The Hamas purposefully places these rocket launchers around hospitals and mosques and in key places to create civilian deaths. This is all part of a propaganda campaign to create anger and animosity toward Israel for simply defending herself. Wouldn't America aggressively respond if 2/3rd of American cities like New York, Chicago, San Francisco and other major cities were being rocketed daily? As I was praying for Israel tonight I felt I should write this post. A new alignment is forming both for and against Israel. Praise God that America, and especially the Christian community, is responding in support of Israel. Remember that something significant is going to happen in Israel around the 4 blood moons both this year and next. This is not the first time this kind of conflict has occurred between Israel and her neighbors. It happened in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012 and now in operation "Protective Edge" in 2014. Now, however, more sophisticated rockets are being deployed, mainly from Iran's supply to Hamas. Why is this round of conflicts significant? It is polarizing radical Islam against both Israel and the United States. Things are building toward a greater escalation of events in preparation for the antichrist. We live in an age of greater social communication skills among our enemies. Propaganda levels are rising among radicals. This conflict may close within days, but it also may grow into something significant very shortly. Perhaps America will finally take her stand aggressively against Iran's supply of these rockets to Hamas. America and Israel must not let Iran continue her development of atomic weapons. Could we be on the edge of a much larger conflict? Could this be a part of a great awakening spiritually for Israel as she joins together with the Christian community which now seems to be Israel's biggest ally? Here is my study on Romans 11, the chapter Paul the apostle wrote almost 2,000 years ago concerning Israel's spiritual awakening at the end of this age
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