There is a force available to us that can change the atmosphere over our lives, our homes and our city. It is the power of worship. David knew this when he brought the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem. In fact, James in the book of Acts says that David's tabernacle was the key to the Gentile harvest. "After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even the Gentiles who are called by my name, says the Lord who does all these things." Acts 15:16 - 17 What is the tabernacle of David? It is the place where God's presence dwells. David knew that the future for Israel and the city of Jerusalem's blessing rested on bringing God's presence over the city. We can do this with high worship and praise. I have seen it happen in cities like San Francisco. We did a major event called, "Light the Stick" and a businessman from S.F. paid for the use of the large Candlestick Park, where the 49rs play football. This stadium filled and our ministry along with several others put the event together. Thousands of people gathered and we worshiped for 4 hours. Something was released over the city and churches following that event began to spring up all over the city. There is awesome power in worship as it provides a portal joining heaven to earth. God dwells among the praises of His people. In His presence is fullness of Joy and pleasures forever more. I have found worship to be the key to our years of outreach on the streets of San Francisco as we went weekly for 7 years to Powell and Market streets to reach the homeless. We always first worshiped for at least 45 minutes and establish the presence of God over the area. Many miracles of healing and deliverance happened during that 45 minutes. We are now providing a WORSHIP CHANNEL of some of the most anointed worship available on the internet. You can open this channel daily and enter into the anointed presence of God. I believe we have chosen some of the best worship music I have ever heard. Just go to WATV WORSHIP CHANNEL and enjoy worship in the background as you browse the web. Here is a sample:
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