Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Kingdom Power - Kingdom Glory

The righteousness of Christ is the center of the kingdom of God. That is why Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."  The kingdom of God brings heaven to earth and allows us to walk in God's presence here. The kingdom of God is simply where ever Jesus presence dwells. The kingdom of God is where ever Jesus rules as King. I make Him my King daily and attempt to stay under Jesus complete authority in life.  I know that when I am under His authority, I have His authority. The bible calls this "transmitted" authority. John 5:27 says, "The Father gave Him (Jesus) authority to execute judgment on earth, because He (Jesus) was the son of man."  Jesus became man to demonstrate how a man can operate "on earth" under authority.  Jesus said, "The works that I do are not mine, but His that sent me." Referring to the Father of course.  Jesus said, "All I do the Father shows me, and whatever the Father tells me I speak."  (John 12)  Jesus very evidently operated under the authority of His Father.  We too operate under His (Jesus) authority.  That is why Jesus has given us the exact same authority that He had. John 14:12 Jesus says, "The works that I do, you shall do also, and greater works that these shall you do, because I go to my Father." Our power to minister healing, deliverance and proclamation of the kingdom of God is not because of who we are, but because of who we are "under". The church of Jesus Christ is largely operating way below our authority level that Jesus intended when He left. He said, "All power is given unto me in heaven and earth... go ye therefore..." Matthew 28:18-19. Most of the church is just waiting for Jesus to return, but Jesus is waiting for us to manifest!  How can we reign in the future if we don't know how to "reign in life now!"  If you like teaching on the kingdom of God you will enjoy this video...

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