Monday, July 3, 2023

Healing Power of Christ "IN YOU"

Certain Truths transform you. John G Lake was recognized as the formost Healing Evangelist in history. With over 100,000 doctor confirmed healings in his lifetime he affected nations like South Africa with over 1 million followers. He trained 16 "Healing Technicians" to carry on the principles Christ taught Him out of the word of God. He walked in them, practed them and they worked. He leaves a legacy with us of powerful principles that I too have learned over the years while ministering on San Francisco streets weekly. What are these principles? I share them briefly with you: 1. Christ has downloaded in your "Spirit Man" everything you need for life and godliness through a knowledge of Jesus Christ. II Peter 1:1-4 2. Therefore Christ "in you" brings His healing power "in you". Your conscious awareness of the indwelling Christ makes you a "Divine Partaker" of His nature. Therefore, healing is in your command. 3. Jesus never once asked the Father to come and heal anyone. He simply commanded it. Therefore it is not biblical for you to ask Jesus to come and heal anyone. (this sacred cow has caused many believer's to not move in the power of Christ "in them their hope of glory". So people they pray over are not healed) 4. Peter and John on the way to the temple met the man with infirmity. They said, "Such as WE HAVE we give you, rise and be healed in the name of Jesus". 5. Since we are joint "Heirs" with Christ, all that He is He has given us. I John 4:17 "as He is in heaven so are we in this present world". 6. Therefore all the power of Christ's healing is inside of you, because Christ "IN YOU" is working through you. So simply speak healing by commanding the spirit of infirmity to leave in Jesus name. It works!

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